
Permanently Get Rid of Your Double Chin with Kybella

Kybella, synthetic deoxycholic acid, is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment for destroying unwanted excess fat. The body naturally produces deoxycholic acid, which plays a role in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. In a short series of treatment sessions, Kybella injections gradually and permanently eliminate fat cells in the treatment area. With an expert injector like Dr. Green, Kybella treatment can be completed in minutes, has few potential side effects, and requires minimal downtime. Dr. Green was among the first healthcare providers in New York City to offer Kybella injections to get rid of a double chin and also uses Kybella to eliminate excess fat cells in treatment areas like the abdomen, knees, underarms, upper arms, and bra area.

Kybella is an excellent cosmetic treatment option for patients who want to target submental fat but may not be good candidates for or want to avoid invasive, costly, and sometimes dangerous surgical procedures like liposuction or a neck lift. Common side effects of Kybella can include mild swelling, bruising, and tenderness at or near injection sites. Most patients require a short series of 3-6 Kybella treatment sessions, each spaced about four weeks apart, to get their desired final results. Only an experienced board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green in NYC, should perform Kybella injections to guarantee safety, efficacy, and optimal results and limit the potential for encountering serious side effects.

Dr. Michele Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist with over two and a half decades of experience providing some of the world’s most discerning individuals with the best non-surgical procedures for body contouring and skin rejuvenation, including Kybella treatment for permanently eliminating a double chin. Dr. Green takes a holistic approach and embraces a less-is-more philosophy, customizing each patient’s cosmetic treatment plan to cater to their specific needs and aesthetic goals. She is consistently identified as one of New York City’s best dermatologists by Super Doctors, Castle Connolly, the New York Times, and New York Magazine for her dedication to her patients and expertise. When you consult with Dr. Green at her private office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood, she will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that leaves you looking and feeling like the best version of yourself.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring acid in the body that helps break down and absorb dietary fat. It is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment for permanently eliminating excess fat in the submental area or double chin. As a non-surgical procedure, Kybella is a great cosmetic treatment option for individuals who want to get rid of submental fullness and stubborn excess fat in areas of the body like the abdomen, upper arms, underarms, knees, and bra area without plastic surgery or who may not be good candidates for surgical procedures. While Kybella is only FDA-approved for treating double chins, an expert injector like Dr. Green may use Kybella “off-label” in additional treatment areas. It is important to have Kybella injections with an experienced board-certified healthcare provider like Dr. Green to guarantee safety, efficacy, and optimal results.

There is minimal downtime with Kybella, meaning patients can resume the majority of their usual daily activities following their treatment session. The most common side effects of Kybella include a mild amount of swelling, bruising, and tenderness at or near injection sites. These side effects resolve on their own shortly after treatment. Dr. Green was one of the first healthcare providers in New York City to offer Kybella treatment and has helped countless patients permanently get rid of their double chin and achieve their body contouring goals so that they look and feel like the best versions of themselves.

Does Kybella Work?

Yes! Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment for eliminating excess fat. The United States Food and Drug Administration approved Kybella in April 2015. The Kythera Corporation worked on developing Kybella for over nine years, and it has been the subject of over 20 clinical studies involving over 2,600 patients. Clinical trials went on for several years to ensure that Kybella was a safe and effective treatment for submental fat. Allergan, the pharmaceutical company that manufactures popular injectable treatments like Botox and the Juvederm family of dermal fillers, has since acquired Kybella.

Kybella is an ideal injectable treatment for permanently removing excess fat cells in various areas of the body, especially the submental area. Kybella treatment is popular among both men and women and is one of the most requested cosmetic treatments at Dr. Green’s private dermatology office in NYC. To obtain ideal cosmetic results, most patients require a short series of injection treatment sessions, each spaced approximately one month apart. Usually, three to six Kybella treatment sessions suffice to eliminate the excess fat in a treatment area. However, Dr. Green will assess the progress of your treatment during each follow-up session to ensure Kybella works for your needs and goals.

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Male patient treated with Kybella 

How does Kybella work?

Kybella is a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure that involves a healthcare provider injecting into subcutaneous (under the skin) fat. Once injected into the treatment area, the active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, immediately starts working to dissolve excess fat cells. The fat cells that are destroyed are then gradually removed from the body via the metabolic process. The body naturally produces deoxycholic acid, which aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Since the body naturally produces deoxycholic acid, Kybella’s mechanism of action is considered a more “natural” approach than plastic surgery. In addition, except for some minor swelling in the treatment area after the injections, there is minimal downtime and much fewer potential side effects than there are associated with surgical procedures. Most patients require a series of 2-6 Kybella treatment sessions to achieve their final desired results. The exact number of treatments needed will depend on the initial amount of submental fat and the patient’s aesthetic goals.

Is Kybella Safe?

Kybella injections, when performed by an experienced board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Green, are an extremely safe cosmetic treatment. Kybella was FDA-approved in 2015 following clinical studies demonstrating its safety and efficacy, and countless individuals have enjoyed the fat-reduction benefits of the innovative injectable treatment since. It is important, however, to consult an expert regarding Kybella treatment to ensure safety, efficacy, and optimal results and to limit the potential for encountering unwanted or serious side effects. Serious side effects can include nerve injury (which may lead to an uneven smile), facial muscle weakness, or difficulty swallowing. Dr. Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist with over two and a half decades of experience providing some of the world’s most discerning individuals with the best non-surgical procedures for cosmetic rejuvenation, including Kybella. In fact, she was among the first healthcare providers in NYC to offer Kybella treatment for the double chin. Dr. Green has the expertise required to perform your Kybella injections safely and effectively, including in the submental area, abdomen, knees, upper arms, underarms, jawline, and bra area.

How much do Kybella injections cost?

Kybella costs can vary depending on which areas of the body are being treated, the initial amount of excess fat in the treatment area, and the number of treatments needed to achieve the final desired results. The experience level of your healthcare provider and your geographic location can also influence the cost of Kybella treatment. The average price for a Kybella treatment session targeting excess fat in the submental area is between $1,500 and $1,800. Since Kybella is a cosmetic treatment, the procedure is not covered under any health insurance. Most patients need a series of 2-6 Kybella treatment sessions to satisfy their aesthetic goals, and larger areas of the body will require additional amounts of Kybella. For this reason, it cannot always be easy to estimate the total cost of Kybella treatment without consulting a healthcare provider in your area. When you have Kybella injections with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green at her private office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood, she will work with you to develop a Kybella treatment plan that best suits your needs, goals, and budget.

Where to get Kybella

Kybella injections should only be performed by an experienced board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Michele Green, in a medical setting to ensure safety, efficacy, and optimal results and limit the potential for encountering serious side effects. Serious side effects can occur if Kybella is injected by an inexperienced or unqualified injector, including difficulty swallowing, nerve injury, an uneven smile, and facial muscle weakness. Dr. Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist and expert injector with over two and a half decades of experience providing some of the world’s most discerning individuals with the best non-surgical procedures for body contouring and skin rejuvenation, including Kybella treatment for permanently eliminating excess fat cells. When you consult with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood regarding Kybella, she will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that caters to your specific concerns and aesthetic goals so that you look and feel like the best version of yourself.

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Male patient, before and after 4 Kybella treatments

What is Kybella used for? Where can Kybella be injected?

Kybella is only FDA-approved for treating submental fullness, commonly known as the double chin. However, experienced, board-certified healthcare providers like Dr. Green in NYC have the expertise required to administer Kybella injections safely in other treatment areas. An expert injector such as Dr. Green may use Kybella in the following areas of the body to eliminate excess fat:

  • Double chin/submental fat
  • Jowls
  • Upper arms
  • Underarms
  • Knees
  • Abdomen
  • Bra Fat
  • Buttocks (banana rolls)
  • Flanks

How to Prepare for Kybella Treatment

As a minimally invasive non-surgical procedure, Kybella requires very little preparation. To ensure her patients’ comfort, Dr. Green prescribes a topical numbing cream to their selected pharmacy to be applied to the entire treatment area one hour before Kybella injections. Once you arrive at Dr. Green’s office in NYC’s Upper East Side, the numbing cream will be removed, and the skin in the treatment area will be sterilized. If pharmacy accessibility is an issue, an ice pack can be applied to the treatment area just before the procedure to provide a numbing effect. Dr. Green also advises her patients to discontinue any blood-thinning medications or supplements, including Ibuprofen, Advil, and vitamin E, two weeks before Kybella treatment to help prevent bruising. Patients who are very prone to bruising may wish to take Arnika Forte, an oral herbal supplement that helps prevent and treat that side effect, for several days before and after Kybella injections.

Kybella Injections with Dr. Green in NYC

The first step is scheduling a consultation with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green at her private office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood. Dr. Green will collect a thorough family and medical history, physically assess the areas of the body you want to treat with Kybella injections, and review any previous cosmetic treatments or surgical procedures you may have had. Photographs of the treatment area will be taken for your private medical record to enhance your discussion with Dr. Green and track future treatment progress. Your current weight will be documented during the consultation since weight gain that occurs after Kybella treatment begins can interfere with the quality of the cosmetic results that are obtained. Depending on your skin concerns and aesthetic goals, Dr. Green may recommend pairing Kybella injections with additional cosmetic treatments, such as Botox, Thermage, or CoolSculpting. Once Dr. Green determines you are a good candidate for Kybella, the treatment can be done on the same day as the consultation or scheduled for a later date, depending on time allowance and your preference.

Depending on the size and scope of the areas of the body being targeted, Kybella injections can take about fifteen minutes to perform in Dr. Green’s NYC office and can be done during your lunch break. Dr. Green will prescribe a topical numbing cream to the pharmacy of your choice to ensure you’re comfortable during your Kybella injections. One hour before the procedure, on the day of your Kybella treatment session, the numbing cream should be applied in a thick layer to the entire treatment area. Once you arrive at her office for treatment, the numbing cream will be removed, and the skin in the treatment area will be sterilized. Suppose you don’t have access to a pharmacy or the prescription before your Kybella appointment. In that case, ice packs can be applied to the treatment area for several minutes before the procedure to provide a numbing effect.

Next, the treatment area may be marked with a grid pattern to plot the Kybella injection sites. The Kybella injections can cause what has been reported by patients as a stinging sensation during the procedure. After Dr. Green completes the Kybella injections, ice packs will be applied to the treatment area to reduce the side effects of swelling and bruising and soothe any initial discomfort. The most common side effect of Kybella is swelling in the treatment area. Swelling happens in the treated area due to the inflammation that occurs once the injections start working to break down fat cells. It tends to peak 24 hours after the treatment session and resolve on its own within several days. Most patients require a short series of 3-6 Kybella treatment sessions to attain their desired final results. The number of treatments needed will be dependent upon the size and scope of the treatment area and the aesthetic goals of the patient. When you have Kybella injectable treatment with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office in NYC, she will work with you to determine how many treatment sessions you may need to look and feel your best.

Kybella Aftercare

Patients appreciate the fact that Kybella treatment involves very little aftercare and minimal downtime. Dr. Green recommends avoiding activities that might worsen swelling in the treatment area for 48 hours, including strenuous exercise, saunas, and steam rooms. An icepack will be applied to the treatment area immediately after the Kybella injections to minimize common side effects like swelling, bruising, and tenderness at or near injection sites. The night of your Kybella treatment, try to sleep on your back with your head elevated (with two pillows) to keep pressure off of the treatment area. If you are very prone to bruising, Dr. Green might suggest taking the oral herbal supplement Arnika Forte, which helps prevent and treat that side effect. For any lingering discomfort in the treatment area, take Tylenol instead of blood-thinning medications like Ibuprofen, Advil, or Aleve, which can exacerbate bruising. Most patients require a short series of Kybella treatment sessions to get their desired results, so please make sure to schedule a follow-up appointment with Dr. Green to see if you’re doing well. When you have Kybella injections with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office in NYC, she will provide you with all of the relevant aftercare information required for achieving and maintaining the best cosmetic results while limiting side effects.

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Side effects of Kybella

One of the greatest benefits of Kybella is that, as a minimally invasive non-surgical procedure, there are very few potential side effects, especially when you have your injectable treatment with an expert injector like Dr. Green. The most common side effects of Kybella include mild tenderness, bruising, swelling, redness, and localized numbness at or near injection sites. These side effects resolve on their own shortly after treatment.

Exceedingly rare, serious side effects can occur when Kybella injections are placed incorrectly or too close to the marginal mandibular nerve, including nerve injury. A nerve injury may result in an uneven smile, facial muscle weakness, or trouble swallowing. These side effects tend to resolve in several weeks but can largely be avoided when an expert performs Kybella treatment. Based on this study in late 2019, there have also been reports of hair loss in the beard area in men, but it is not a common side effect.

It is always recommended to consult an experienced board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green in NYC, to avoid potential side effects and guarantee the best results. Dr. Green is an internationally renowned expert in non-surgical procedures for body contouring and skin rejuvenation, including Kybella treatment. In fact, Dr. Green was among the first healthcare providers in New York to offer Kybella injections for excess fat removal and has helped countless individuals achieve their ideal body contouring results.

For more prescribing information about Kybella from its manufacturer, you can also go to

The following is a complete list of possible side effects from Kybella injections:

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Temporary numbness at the injection site
  • Inflammation
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Nerve irritation (can cause an uneven smile)
  • Hair loss at the site of injection in men’s beards
  • Skin ulceration

How long does it take to see Kybella’s results?

The initial results from a Kybella treatment session can take up to six weeks to observe. Most patients require a series of 3-6 Kybella treatment sessions, each spaced approximately four weeks apart, to get their final desired results. Once achieved, results are permanent, so long as there is no additional weight gain following treatment.

How long does Kybella last?

Kybella permanently destroys excess fat cells in the treated area, making it an excellent cosmetic treatment option for those who are interested in permanent fat reduction but who want to avoid plastic surgery or who may not be good candidates for a surgical procedure. Patients should understand that if weight gain occurs after their Kybella treatment, the remaining fat cells in the treated areas of the body have the potential to expand, or new fat cells may accumulate. Weight gain after Kybella can negate the cosmetic effects. Patients must continue to make healthy lifestyle choices following Kybella, including engaging in regular exercise and maintaining a balanced diet. Kybella can safely be repeated if necessary.

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Female patient treated with Kybella, Botox & Fraxel – 2 Treatments of Kybella

Kybella FAQs:

How much does Kybella cost for the chin?

The most popular treatment area to target with Kybella is the submental area or double chin. Kybella costs can vary depending on how many vials of Kybella are needed per treatment session and the total number of treatment sessions required to achieve the desired final results. On average, a Kybella treatment session that targets the double chin can cost $1,500-1,800. When you consult with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office in NYC’s Upper East Side neighborhood, she will create a customized cosmetic treatment plan suited to your specific needs and personal cosmetic goals. At that time, the cost of your Kybella treatment can be determined.

How many vials of Kybella are needed?

The amount of Kybella needed for a given patient will ultimately depend on the amount of excess fat in the treatment area, the areas of the body being treated, and the aesthetic goals of the patient. To treat a double chin (the most common treatment area), most patients need two to three vials of Kybella per treatment session and a short series of three to six treatment sessions to achieve final results. Since Kybella is a gradual treatment, Dr. Green evaluates progress during each follow-up appointment. If there is a small amount of submental fat to begin with, final results may be achieved in as little as one treatment session. However, a larger initial amount of submental fat will require additional vials of Kybella and more treatment sessions. To reduce excess fat in larger treatment areas, such as the banana rolls, knees, abdomen, or bra area, even more vials of Kybella will be needed. When you have a consultation with Dr. Green, she will physically assess the size and scope of the treatment area and give you an estimate regarding the number of treatment sessions and vials per treatment session that may be needed.

Does insurance cover Kybella?

Kybella is a cosmetic treatment that is not medically necessary and is not covered by insurance. The best way to determine your coverage is to contact your insurance provider directly.

Is Kybella FDA-approved?

Yes! In fact, Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for permanently dissolving fat cells in the submental area. Kybella is a minimally invasive treatment with minimal downtime and an excellent option for patients interested in avoiding cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery can be costly, invasive, have many side effects, and require significant downtime. The most common side effects of Kybella include mild swelling, bruising, and tenderness at or near injection sites. While Kybella is only FDA-approved for the submental area (double chin), an expert injector like board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green may use Kybella “off-label” to eliminate excess fat from areas of the body, such as the abdomen, flanks, and upper arms, underarms, knees, and bra area.

Who manufactures Kybella?

Kybella is one of Allergan Pharmaceutical’s many popular aesthetic products. Allergan also makes skincare products and facial injectable treatments, including the Juvederm family of dermal fillers and Botox. Dr. Green is an Allergan Platinum injector and utilizes Kybella, Juvederm fillers, and Botox at her private boutique dermatology office in NYC to provide her patients with pan-facial rejuvenation and help them look and feel like the best versions of themselves.

What is in Kybella?

The active ingredient in Kybella is a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps break down and absorb dietary fat.

Does Kybella hurt?

To ensure her patients’ comfort during Kybella injections, Dr. Green prescribes a topical numbing cream to their selected pharmacy to be applied to the entire treatment area one hour before the procedure. If pharmacy accessibility is an issue for the patient, an ice pack may be applied to the treatment area for several minutes to numb it prior to the Kybella injections. Some patients describe a stinging sensation during the Kybella injection process. Ice packs are immediately applied to the treatment area following Kybella treatment to limit side effects of swelling, bruising, and tenderness and soothe any initial discomfort. Patients are advised to take Tylenol for any lingering discomfort following Kybella treatment. Blood-thinning medications and supplements, including Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, and Motrin, can exacerbate bruising.

Is Kybella dangerous?

No! Kybella is a safe and effective minimally invasive cosmetic procedure for excess fat reduction. Kybella treatment is not recommended for those who have bleeding problems, are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, have had trouble swallowing, or have or have had a medical condition in the neck area. When you consult with internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green regarding Kybella at her private office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood, she will collect a thorough family and medical history, physically assess the treatment area, and review any previous cosmetic procedures you may have. She will then work with you to create a safe and effective cosmetic treatment plan that suits your needs and goals.

Can Kybella go wrong?

Serious side effects can occur if an inexperienced or unqualified injector performs Kybella injections. Accidental injection into the marginal mandibular nerve, which runs under the jaw, can cause serious side effects like nerve injury, which can lead to an uneven smile, involve facial muscle weakness, or difficulty swallowing. More common side effects include mild swelling, bruising, and tenderness at or near injection sites, which tend to resolve within several days to weeks of Kybella treatment. Dr. Michele Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist and expert injector with over two and a half decades of experience providing some of the world’s most discerning individuals with the best non-surgical procedures for body contouring and skin rejuvenation, including Kybella.

How long does swelling last with Kybella? When does Kybella’s swelling go down?

Swelling is the most common side effect of Kybella due to the inflammation that occurs while the injections act on fat cells in the treated area. Swelling in the treatment area usually peaks 24 hours after Kybella treatment and can persist for several days. While swelling can’t be prevented entirely, patients can prevent worsening it by avoiding strenuous exercise, saunas, steamrooms, and other activities that increase one’s body temperature. Patients should also try to sleep on their back with their heads elevated (with two pillows) on the first night after their Kybella injections to keep pressure off the treated area.

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How long does Kybella take to work?

Noticeable fat reduction in the treated area can be observed four to six weeks after the first Kybella treatment session. Subsequent Kybella treatment sessions will provide additional fat reduction in the given treatment area. The exact number of treatment sessions that will be required for a patient to achieve their ideal cosmetic results will ultimately depend on the initial amount of unwanted excess fat in the treatment area and their personal aesthetic goals. Patients with a greater amount of excess fat during the first treatment session will require more treatment sessions of Kybella injections than patients with a lesser amount of excess fat. When you consult with board-certified cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Michele Green at her private dermatology office in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, she will assess the areas of the body you want to target with Kybella injections and help you establish a timeline for your treatment sessions.

Does Kybella last forever? Is Kybella permanent?

Yes! Kybella is a non-surgical procedure that permanently destroys excess fat cells in a treatment area, making it a great alternative to plastic surgery, which can be costly, have many potential serious side effects, and require significantly more downtime. It is important to remember that weight gain following Kybella treatment can negate its cosmetic effects. If weight gain occurs after Kybella injections, the remaining fat cells in the treated areas of the body have the potential to expand, or new fat cells may accumulate. Patients should continue to engage in regular exercise and maintain a healthy diet to keep up the effects of their Kybella treatment. Of course, Kybella can be repeated if necessary.

Is Kybella Botox?

Kybella and Botox are two different cosmetic injectable treatments that can be done by an expert in a matter of minutes and have minimal downtime. Although they have some similarities, Kybella and Botox are distinct cosmetic treatments with unique purposes.

Kybella is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid that dissolves excess fat in the treated area. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that plays a role in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Once injected into subcutaneous fat in the treatment area, Kybella works immediately to dissolve fat cells, which are then gradually metabolized by the body. The result is a visible reduction in excess fat in the treated area and a slimmer overall appearance. Botox is an injectable neurotoxin that is used to ‘freeze’ targeted muscles, inhibiting their full movement to reduce or eliminate the appearance of dynamic fine lines. Dynamic fine lines are those that are caused by repetitive movements, such as facial expressions, which is why Botox is commonly used in areas of the face like the forehead, crow’s feet, and glabella. Botox results in a smoother skin texture and a more youthful appearance, with effects lasting for up to four months. Most patients engage in regular maintenance treatment sessions to keep up the best results.

Patients can use both Botox and Kybella to their advantage by targeting multiple different areas of the body or as complementary procedures in the same treatment area, such as with a non-surgical neck left or jawline contour. Dr. Green will work with you to customize your cosmetic treatment plan depending on your skin concerns and aesthetic goals.

Does Kybella tighten skin?

Kybella can provide some skin tightening benefits to the treatment area, especially in the submental area. However, if the patient’s primary concern is skin laxity or loose skin, Kybella may not be the best cosmetic treatment option. Instead, Dr. Green might suggest a non-surgical procedure like Thermage. Thermage is the gold standard when it comes to addressing mild to moderate skin laxity. It relies on radiofrequency energy to deliver heat to the dermal layers of the skin, where it stimulates gradual new collagen production. Collagen is the most abundant skin protein and contributes to a firm, tight, smooth skin texture and an overall youthful appearance. It naturally starts to deplete at a faster rate than it’s produced once we’re in our 20s, resulting in various signs of aging, including loose skin. By replenishing collagen levels, Thermage creates smoother, firmer, tighter skin in the treated area. Thermage involves zero downtime, meaning patients can immediately resume their normal daily activities after the procedure and schedule their treatment sessions with ease. It can be used to tighten skin on many areas of the body, including the face, neck, chest, decolletage, abdomen, upper arms, thighs, and buttocks. The results are incredibly natural-looking and long-lasting, offering patients an excellent low-maintenance alternative to plastic surgery. Many patients incorporate Kybella injections and Thermage into their non-surgical cosmetic treatment plans for rejuvenation. When you consult with Dr. Green in NYC to develop a customized anti-aging treatment plan, she will physically evaluate the treatment area and determine which cosmetic procedures you are a suitable candidate for.

Does Kybella work on the knees?

Yes! Kybella is only FDA-approved for treating the double chin, but expert injectors like Dr. Green may use it “off-label” to target other areas of the body, including the inside of the knees. Kybella can be combined with Thermage to tighten the skin on the knees and give you sleeker, rejuvenated-looking legs. This unique cosmetic treatment is the only way to tighten and eliminate fat bulges in the knee area and improve the appearance of aging knees without plastic surgery.

Does Kybella work on bra fat?

Although Kybella’s most common application is to reduce the appearance of a double chin, another very popular treatment area is the fat bulge that forms between the bra line and the armpit or along the back, known as the “bra fat.” Bra fat may develop due to genetics or hormones and, for many, can induce feelings of self-consciousness. Brabella is a simple and effective injectable treatment for permanently eliminating bra fat with Kybella injections. To reduce bra fat, most patients require around two vials of Kybella per treatment session and an average of three total treatment sessions to achieve their desired final results. Each treatment session should be spaced approximately 4-6 weeks apart, and Dr. Green evaluates the progress during each follow-up appointment.

The exact amount of Kybella and number of treatment sessions required to eliminate bra fat will ultimately depend on the initial severity of the excess fat in the treatment area. During your Brabella consultation with Dr. Green, she will work with you to create a customized Kybella treatment plan and timeline that best suits your particular needs and goals. Since there is no downtime with Brabella, patients can resume all their usual daily activities and schedule their treatment sessions with ease. The result of Kybella injections into the bra area is the elimination of unwanted bra bulges, helping patients look and feel their best in any outfit.

Can Kybella be used on the stomach?

Kybella is an injectable treatment that is only FDA-approved to remove unwanted submental fat, which means it has undergone extensive clinical studies for safety and efficacy. It has not been studied specifically for the stomach. Still, experienced dermatologists like Dr. Green have utilized the benefits of Kybella as an “off-label” injectable treatment to safely and effectively remove fat in the abdomen. Kybella injections for the removal of stomach fat can be an excellent non-surgical alternative to liposuction- an invasive plastic surgery procedure that requires anesthesia and a significant amount of downtime. It is important to be selective when choosing the healthcare provider who will perform your cosmetic injections, particularly when having an “off-label” cosmetic treatment. An experienced and knowledgeable injector such as Dr. Michele Green will have the expertise to execute your Kybella injectable treatment safely and produce optimal cosmetic results.

Does Kybella work on jowls?

Kybella can be used to create a more defined jawline by treating submental fat that leads to jowls. Treating jowls is an off-label use of Kybella injections but yields excellent cosmetic results. If a patient is interested in treating the appearance of loose jowls due to skin laxity, they may benefit more from having a non-invasive skin-tightening cosmetic treatment. Thermage is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that utilizes radiofrequency energy to heat the dermis of the skin, stimulating new collagen production in the treatment area. There is no downtime associated with Thermage, meaning patients can resume their normal daily activities immediately upon completion of their treatment and schedule their treatment sessions with ease.

Can Kybella be used to treat fat in the arms?

Yes! Although Kybella has only been FDA-approved for injection into the submental area for fat removal, it has also been shown to be a safe and effective injectable treatment for fat removal in other areas of the body. Kybella can be used effectively on various areas of fat on the body, including the upper arms and underarms. Kybella injections, especially in these areas of the body, require an advanced injection technique. Patients should only have their Kybella injections done by a board-certified healthcare provider with the necessary expertise and experience to perform the treatment safely and effectively, such as cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Michele Green in NYC. Dr. Green has over 25 years of experience as a leader in the field of cosmetic dermatology and can help you create a customized fat removal treatment plan that works best for you.

Can Kybella be combined with other cosmetic treatments?

Yes! Since Kybella is a non-surgical procedure, there is very little downtime involved, and it can easily be combined with a number of other cosmetic treatments within the same visit for optimal rejuvenation results. Many of Dr. Green’s patients combine Thermage FLX for skin tightening with Kybella injections to reduce the submental fat, thus giving her patients the best jawline. Thermage is a non-invasive skin-tightening cosmetic treatment that relies on radiofrequency to heat the dermal layers of the skin, stimulating new collagen production in the treatment area. The result is a smoother, tighter, firmer skin texture. Thermage is completely non-invasive, meaning there is absolutely zero downtime involved, meaning patients can immediately resume their usual daily activities after Thermage and schedule their treatment sessions with ease. The cosmetic effects of Thermage typically last up to two years, with most patients engaging in an annual maintenance treatment session to keep up the best results.

In addition, patients who are concerned about the lines on their neck may also choose to have Botox with a Nefertiti Lift or fillers injected into these wrinkles to soften their appearance. Botox is an injectable neurotoxin that temporarily treats dynamic fine lines and wrinkles. Fraxel laser is often combined as well with Kybella to help treat the texture of the skin, fine lines, and wrinkles.

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Male Kybella patient before and after photo, after two treatments of Kybella

How does Kybella compare to CoolSculpting?

Kybella injections are best suited to removing small to moderate pockets of unwanted excess fat. Patients typically require a short series of treatment sessions to get the best cosmetic results. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure for fat reduction that freezes the fat cells in a treatment area to destroy them. The destroyed fat cells are gradually metabolized out of the body over time. CoolSculpting can be used to debulk larger areas of fat with greater surface area, with no downtime involved whatsoever. Suppose someone has a large amount of submental fat. In that case, they can optimize their results by first being treated with the CoolMini applicator to debulk the fat and then follow up with Kybella injections for the remaining fat cells. CoolSculpting also has multiple applicators that can be used to target different areas of the body, such as the abdomen, inner and outer thighs, flanks, buttocks, banana rolls, bra fat, and upper arms.

Is Kybella worth it?

Patients agree that Kybella with Dr. Green is worth it because of the ease of having the non-surgical procedure, lack of downtime, few potential side effects, and stunning permanent results! In fact, Kybella is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments requested at Dr. Green’s private boutique dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood. Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment for eliminating unwanted excess fat, providing patients with an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. In a matter of minutes, an expert like Dr. Green can complete Kybella injections, and Kybella works immediately to destroy excess fat cells in the treatment area. Dr. Green is an internationally renowned expert in the field of cosmetic dermatology with access to the most cutting-edge lasers and technologies and considers Kybella to be one of the most revolutionary cosmetic treatments of this decade.

Am I a good candidate for Kybella?

The best way to know if Kybella is right for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Michele Green in her private New York City dermatology office. Dr. Green is an expert in non-invasive cosmetic treatments and was one of the first healthcare providers in NYC to offer Kybella injectable treatment for excess fat removal. She has helped countless men and women achieve their ideal body contouring goals and will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that caters to your needs. In fact, studies show that the Kybella procedure is just as popular with men as it is with women. During your consultation, she will physically assess the areas of the body you want to target with Kybella injections, including the amount of excess fat and skin laxity in the area. She will also collect a thorough family and medical history and review any previous cosmetic treatments you may have had in order to customize the best treatment plan for you. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not be treated with Kybella. Kybella may not be recommended if you have had or have trouble swallowing or a history of medical conditions related to the neck area. If there is severe skin laxity, Dr. Green may refer you to a trusted, board-certified plastic surgeon for a neck lift consultation.

How do I get started with Kybella today?

Kybella is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment for reducing excess fat. As the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment for submental fat removal, patients love that Kybella can eliminate the appearance of a double chin with very few potential side effects and minimal downtime and can easily be paired with other non-invasive cosmetic procedures for rejuvenation. Not only is it possible to achieve a slimmer, more defined jawline and chin profile with Kybella injections, but excess fat from treatment areas around the body, such as the abdomen, knees, upper arms, and bra area, can also be reduced. Dr. Green was among the first healthcare providers in NYC to offer Kybella injections for non-surgical fat removal and has helped many men and women from around the world achieve their ideal body contouring goals.

Dr. Michele Green in New York City is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist with over two and a half decades of experience providing some of the world’s most discerning individuals with the best non-surgical procedures for body contouring and skin rejuvenation, including Kybella. Dr. Green takes a holistic approach and embraces a less-is-more philosophy, customizing each patient’s treatment plan to suit their particular needs and aesthetic goals best. For her dedication to her patients and expertise, she is consistently identified as one of NYC’s best dermatologists by Super Doctors, Castle Connolly, the New York Times, and New York Magazine. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Green and learn more about Kybella, contact us online or call the NYC office at 212 535 3088 today.

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