Thermage is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that has become a very popular option for men. It requires no surgery, no injections and best of all, no down time. Thermage was the first FDA approved laser for skin tightening, approved in 2002. Since the first generation Thermage laser was introduced by Solta Medical, this unique radiofrequency (RF) technology has evolved to include CPT total tip technology and now the newest generation Thermage FLX. Dr. Michele Green has been excited to use Thermage skin lightning laser, in her NYC office, to treat her male patients. Nowadays, most patients want cosmetic procedures which are non-invasive, effective, and require little or no recovery time. Men, especially, want the ability to return to work the same day and have a cosmetic procedure with no down time.

Thermage treatments is a unique way to contour and tighten the skin and remove fine lines and wrinkles that have been caused by the aging process. While Thermage can be performed on any area of the body, including abdomen, arms, and flanks, the most popular area for most patients is the face. Specifically, men choose to treat skin laxity around the neck, jawline, and sagging jowls. Thermage is an innovative treatment since it builds new collagen while firming and rejuvenating the skin without the need for a facelift or invasive plastic surgery. As a leader in cosmetic dermatology, Dr. Green combines Thermage, with Botox, dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, and Sculptra, and the best skincare, to deliver the ultimate in skin rejuvenation to her NYC patients.

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How does Thermage work?

Thermage utilizes radiofrequency energy, which works by deep heating the skin in the dermis. This heating penetrates the dermal layer of the skin which results in the formation of new collagen production, and ultimately skin tightening. After Thermage treatment is carried out, the skin takes on a new, rejuvenated appearance, which in turn will give you a  younger-looking appearance.

At Dr. Green’s NYC practice Thermage treatments are carried out using the Thermage CPT tip, which is proven to be an extremely effective method for tackling face and neck wrinkles. One of the benefits of using the Thermage CPT Total Tip, is that this hand piece is designed with vibration for extra patient comfort. Patients can resume normal activities after treatment since there is absolutely no down time. For even faster results, Dr. Green utilizes the Thermage FLX, as it produces even shorter treatment times with deeper penetration. Dr. Green recommends having Thermage treatment repeatedly annually for continued collagen formation and skin rejuvenation. Some patients even come in and have a half-treatment booster at six months. The number of times that Thermage would be best for you will be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Green.

Is the Thermage treatment good for men?

Thermage is an excellent choice for both men and women. Men especially like Thermage since is treats winkles, stimulates collagen production, with absolutely no down time. There are many anti-aging treatment options for male patients and Dr. Green will explore all of those with you during your initial consultation. Whether your concern is sun damage, skin laxity, fine lines or deep wrinkles, age spots, or other skin condition, Dr. Green is an expert in both cosmetic and medical dermatology. Whether the best procedure is Thermage, Fraxel laser, Vbeam laser, Botox, dermal fillers, chemical peels, skin care, or laser hair removal, Dr. Green’s has the latest cutting edge technology for skin rejuvenation.

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Thermage skin tightening

For men who favor a non-surgical procedure, Thermage is a great alternative, over plastic surgery. The way Thermage works is via the use of a handheld device that is pressed to the skin around the treatment area. The procedure is completely pain free; all a person will feel is some heat as the device touches the skin, with some vibration. This heating of the skin means that the treatment is working and actively tightening the skin to reduce wrinkles. Right after the treatment the only after effects a patient might have will be a temporary ‘glow’ to the skin or occasionally a slight plumping and erythema.

The ninety minute skin tightening treatment is carried out at Dr. Michele S. Green’s private office in the Upper East Side of New York City. This treatment time can be reduced ever further with the new Thermage FLX laser skin tightening treatment.

Can Thermage be combined with Botox and dermal fillers?

Yes, since there is no down time or side effects from the Thermage treatment, many cosmetic procedures can be combined at the same time or during the same visit. Wrinkle relaxers like Botox and Dysport for dynamic lines and wrinkles on the upper face and neck can be preformed immediately after the Thermage procedure. Dermal fillers for static lines and wrinkles, and to correct volume loss can be done with Juvederm Ultra Plus, Juvederm Voluma, Restylane, Sculptra, and Radiesse. Skin resurfacing lasers like Fraxel, and Clear+Brilliant can be combined with Thermage as well to increase the radiance of the skin. In addition, improvement in skin tone and texture with chemical peels or microneedling are often requested in combination for improved rejuvenating results. Lastly, using the best skincare, like Dr. Green’s MGSKINLABs products formulated with antioxidants, retinol, serums, and sunscreens, helps maintain these positive results from your cosmetic procedures.

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Who is a good candidate for the procedure?

Thermage is an excellent cosmetic treatment for any individual, male or female, who is exhibiting loose skin in the jowls, neck or jawline, or having fine lines and wrinkles around the forehead and eye area. Any patient, male or female, who is noticing the beginning of “early jowls” is a good candidate for Thermage. Thermage delivers heat to the deep layers of the skin, which causes heat-shock protein to be released from the collagen. This heat triggers the skin to produce new collagen and elastin, which causes contraction of the skin, and skin tightening. Dr. Green recommends annual Thermage treatments to maintain the best skin tightening results.

What areas does Thermage treat?

Thermage treats loose skin in many areas of the body by increasing collagen production including:
  • Neck
  • Jowls
  • Around the eye area
  • Nasolabial folds (smile lines)
  •  Forehead area for a “forehead lift”
  • Abdomen and flanks
  • Buttock areas
  • Arms
  • Cellulite in buttocks and legs

Are there any side effects from Thermage?

There are no side effects from Thermage laser skin tightening. Thermage is the gold standard for non-invasive skin tightening and has no down time or recovery. The procedure is painless and takes approximately 90 minutes. Within weeks of this non-surgical procedure, new collagen production is stimulated and skin tightening results are initiated. Within 4 to 6 months, the full cosmetic results from Thermage is evident which helps tighten loose skin, treat fine lines, and wrinkles, and helps fight the aging process.

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45-54 year old male treated with Thermage & Kybella

How do I get started with Thermage for skin tightening?

Contact us online today or call 212-535-3088 if you’re ready to learn more about how Thermage can help rejuvenate your appearance and remove wrinkles around the face, including the forehead, eyes, jawline, neck, and jowl areas. Dr. Michele S. Green, an expert in cosmetic procedures in her discreet private NYC office. She practices the latest techniques and is at the forefront of non-invasive skin rejuvenation to give you the best cosmetic results.

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NYC Office (212) 535-3088