What is tech neck?   Tech neck is a real cosmetic condition caused by the hours that we stare down on our cell phones and smartphone screens and wrinkle our necks thereby causing our neck lines to deepen. The use of smart phones has become addictive, with activities such as texting or using social media increasing each year. In addition to all of the other well known side effects of screen time, it has increased the aging of our delicate skin around our necks.  One study showed that the average American checks their phones roughly 80 times a day.

There are many contributing factors to the aging of the neck.  The loss of collagen, sun damage, smoking, pollution, weight changes, poor skin care, alcohol, and just bad genetics can all make the neck age prematurely.  Simple changes such as using a high factor SPF sunscreen to avoid excessive sun exposure can help prevent premature aging in the face and neck area. There are two types of neck wrinkles – vertical and horizontal ones.  Both types of neck wrinkles can be genetic, but it is the horizontal lines which deepen from constant strain looking down on our smartphones, which cause what is known as tech neck.

What is the best way to prevent or treat tech neck?

neck renew mg skin labs

Preventing and treating these tech neck lines requires a two prong approach.  The first part comes with anti-aging prevention of these wrinkles.   Proper skin care routines complete with retinols, moisturizers, and other anti-aging neck creams.  Dr. Green in her New York practice recommends that her patients use Neck Renew on a daily basis from her MGSkinLabs line of products. This product contains Retinol and will promote collagen production and reduce the appearance of the fine and deeper lines of the neck. You should also re-position your phone to eye level so that you are not constantly looking down to avoid forming these neck lines.  Proper exercises including “upward facing dog” can help extend the neck in the opposite direction and improve the sagging and neck wrinkling.

Treating these wrinkles of the neck uses a combination of anti-aging options.  Thermage through the use of radiofrequency heat softens and tightens these lines and produces new collagen to improve the appearance of the skin and treats sagging skin. Belotero or Restylane, which are composed of hyaluronic acid, can be directly injected into the horizontal neck lines themselves to reduce their appearance and increase collagen production. Fraxel laser can be utilized to treat these neck and décolletage wrinkles and lessen their cosmetic impact. Botox can also be used to treat both the vertical and horizontal lines to soften these lines of movement and reduce these neck wrinkles. The “Nefertiti” lift is a well known way to inject the neck to reduce these fine lines.

Whether you want to treat a “tech neck”, or have aging skin that you would like to tighten, Dr. Green can discuss the best options with you. To book an appointment, please contact our New York City based office or call 212 535 3088

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